Student Leadership

Photo Chris Bellew /Fennell Photography Copyright 2017

The Old Bawn Community School Tiered Leadership Programme is supported by four key pillars; Pathways to College, Leadership, Mentoring and 21st Century Learning skills. It fosters strong relations between junior and senior students, members of the wider school community and pupils and teachers. It also aims to improve the college knowledge infrastructure in our school community.

The Peer Leadership Programme involves fourteen TY students who become both Peer Leaders, Mentors and College Ambassadors in OBCS. TY students apply to become Peer Leaders (PLPs) for each academic year. There are a multitude of potential benefits of this PLP initiative for the TY students/Mentors, Mentees, Teachers and for the school itself. This programme forms the foundation of subsequent student-leader initiatives in fifth and sixth year.

The Fifth Year Mentor Programme is a continuation of the Peer Leadership Programme in Transition Year. This involves three Mentors per first year class group. Past pupils of the Peer Leadership Programme and current Third Year Students have to apply to become Mentors. The Fifth Year Mentors are supported by four key pillars: Pathways to College, Leadership, Mentoring and 21st Century Learning skills.

The Sixth Year Prefect Programme builds on the previous two initiatives and involves ten students who have to apply for the position. There is a Head Boy/Deputy Boy and a Head Girl/Deputy Girl who represent the student body. School Prefects will have responsibilities in the areas of:

  1. Maintaining discipline (Morning Break, Locker and Lunchtime duties)
  2. Helping Staff
  3. Supporting younger pupils
  4. Organising events

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