
The Chaplaincy Team 

There is a chaplaincy team available to all students, staff and parents of Old Bawn Community School. We celebrate liturgical occasions such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. We also run prayer services and retreats for students.

As we are a community school and are at the heart of our local community in Tallaght we engage with our local parishes and take part in the deanary. One of our great reach out projects is our annual hamper appeal where we aim to help as many families as possible in our local area during the Christmas period.

We also provide student support for 1st – 3rd year students. We aim to give the students the tools and skills that they need to enable them to live fulfilling lives. We are concerned for the spiritual, emotional, social, psychological and physical wellbeing of the students in Old Bawn Community School.

The chaplains office is located beside the oratory and there is a chaplain available to talk to, to listen, and to answer questions. Should you wish to contact a member of the chaplaincy team we can be emailed at:


The Oratory 

The oratory is our ‘sacred space’ in Old Bawn Community School. It is a quiet, reflective space located on the main corridor. Prayer services and mindfulness take place in the oratory on a regular basis. It is open before school, during lunch and at the end of the school day for students to come in and allow themselves to reflect or take a moments peace before they continue with their day.


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