Student Council

Student Council Constitution

The Council will be known as the Old Bawn Community School Student Council.

  • The Council’s tasks are:

– to represent students’ views and opinions

– to organise events and activities for students’ development

– to support other activities organised within the school

– to provide students with practical opportunities to learn planning, decision-making  and how to represent themselves and others.

  • The Council will be made up of elected representatives from each Year Group and will operate for the school year.
  • The Council will comprise of representatives as follows:

First Year – 4 representatives

Second Year –  4 representatives

Third Year – 4 representatives

Transition Year – 1 representative

Fifth Year – 1 representative from each base class

Sixth Year – 1 representative from each base class

  • Elections for Second to Sixth Year representatives will be held in the second week of September on a specific day. Elections for First Year representatives will be held in the second week of November.
  • Each year the Council members will elect, from among themselves, officers to form the Council Committee. The Committee should meet between council meetings and work as a team to plan the next Council meeting. It is not the function of the Committee to make decisions on behalf of the Council, but to plan that decisions will be democratically made by the whole Council.
  • The Committee should consist of:




Assistant Secretary



Junior Officer

  • The Chairperson will be a Sixth Year student, while both the Secretary and Treasurer will be Senior students.
  • Meetings of the Student Council should be held at least once a month and two days notice should be given prior to the meeting.
  • At least two-thirds of the Council must be present for a meeting to take place.
  • Three consecutive absences,, without an adequate explanation, will be interpreted as a lack of interest in serving as a Council Member and the Committee may decide that a new representative needs to be elected.
  • Members who disrupt meetings will be asked to leave the meeting and will face possible suspension from the Council.
  • The Teacher Liaison Officer will co-operate with and advise the Council. S/he will provide a link between the Student Council and teachers.
  • The Chairperson, along with one other member of the Committee, will meet with the Principal at least once per term to discuss Student Council activities.
  • At the end of the school year, the committee will prepare a report on activities and events undertaken by the Student Council throughout the previous year.

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